

Total Time Average Time Calls
107 min 75% 406 ms 15,843 postgres
SELECT schemaname AS schema, t.relname AS table, ix.relname AS name, regexp_replace(pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid), $1, $2) AS columns, regexp_replace(pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid), $3, $4) AS using, indisunique AS unique, indisprimary AS primary, indisvalid AS valid, indexprs::text, indpred::text, pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) AS definition FROM pg_index i INNER JOIN pg_class t ON t.oid = i.indrelid INNER JOIN pg_class ix ON ix.oid = i.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_stat_user_indexes ui ON ui.indexrelid = i.indexrelid WHERE schemaname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 1, 2 /*pghero*/
7 min 5% 8,223 ms 48 postgres
COPY api_test_schema.impacto_request_log (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, url, http, authentication, application, body, header, browser, device, os, useragent, "time", res_http, res_body, res_header, res_action, res_field, res_code, res_success, params) TO stdout
6 min 4% 24 ms 15,843 postgres
WITH query_stats AS ( SELECT LEFT(query, $1) AS query, queryid AS query_hash, rolname AS user, ((total_plan_time + total_exec_time) / $2 / $3) AS total_minutes, ((total_plan_time + total_exec_time) / calls) AS average_time, calls FROM pg_stat_statements INNER JOIN pg_database ON pg_database.oid = pg_stat_statements.dbid INNER JOIN pg_roles ON pg_roles.oid = pg_stat_statements.userid WHERE calls > $4 AND pg_database.datname = current_database() ) SELECT query, query AS explainable_query, query_hash, query_stats.user, total_minutes, average_time, calls, total_minutes * $5 / (SELECT SUM(total_minutes) FROM query_stats) AS total_percent, (SELECT SUM(total_minutes) FROM query_stats) AS all_queries_total_minutes FROM query_stats ORDER BY "total_minutes" DESC LIMIT $6 /*pghero*/
6 min 4% 23 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT n.nspname AS table_schema, c.relname AS table, attname AS column, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS column_type, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) AS default_value FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = a.attrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d ON (a.attrelid, a.attnum) = (d.adrelid, d.adnum) WHERE NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attnum > $1 AND pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) LIKE $2 AND n.nspname NOT LIKE $3 /*pghero*/
6 min 4% 7,032 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_microservice_request_log (id, slug, created_at, resolved_at, ip_address, service, operation, rec_body, res_body, microservice, res_error, created_by) TO stdout
4 min 3% 4,905 ms 48 postgres
COPY dataset.surname (id, name, corrected_name) TO stdout
3 min 2% 4,222 ms 48 postgres
COPY (id, full_name, sex) TO stdout
1 min 0.8% 1,355 ms 48 postgres
COPY production.socialme_afghanistan (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, ip_address, url, http_method, user_token, api_token, app_token, body, headers, params, browser_name, browser_version, device_name, device_version, os_name, os_version, user_agent, res_http_code, res_code, res_body, time_spent, time_unit, error, action, field) TO stdout
0 min 0.3% 2 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT n.nspname AS schema, c.relname AS table, $1 - GREATEST(AGE(c.relfrozenxid), AGE(t.relfrozenxid)) AS transactions_left FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_class t ON c.reltoastrelid = t.oid WHERE c.relkind = $2 AND ($3 - GREATEST(AGE(c.relfrozenxid), AGE(t.relfrozenxid))) < $4 ORDER BY 3, 1, 2 /*pghero*/
0 min 0.3% 541 ms 48 postgres
COPY public.impacto_request_log (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, url, http, authentication, application, body, header, browser, device, os, useragent, "time", res_http, res_body, res_header, res_action, res_field, res_code, res_success, params) TO stdout
0 min 0.3% 2 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_holy_see_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_india_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_oman_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_saint_kitts_and_nevis_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_benin_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_barbados_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_botswana_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_nauru_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_bangladesh_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_sierra_leone_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_pakistan_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_burkina_faso_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_brunei_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_united_states_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_palau_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_andorra_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_algeria_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_argentina_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_azerbaijan_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_bahamas_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_afghanistan_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_fiji_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "production"."socialme_venezuela_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_microservice_request_log_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_external_request_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_public_file_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_person_contact_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_authentication_token_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_person_avatar_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_white_label_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_application_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_public_external_file_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_person_generic_document_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_communication_model_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_request_log_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_application_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_person_permission_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_feedback_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_sent_communication_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_white_label_avatar_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_password_recovery_token_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_application_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_group_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_person_permission_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_group_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_group_member_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_bond_option_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_person_document_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_private_file_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_request_log_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_bond_request_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_organizational_unit_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_activity_type_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_system_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_alert_type_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_service_letter_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_service_subject_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_origin_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_place_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_unified_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_unified_person_origin_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_address_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_contact_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_alert_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_alert_follow_up_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_service_target_audience_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_service_target_audience_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_service_letter_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_address_owner_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_activity_type_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_place_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_alert_follow_up_action_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_origin_activity_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "microservice_test_schema"."impacto_terms_and_conditions_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_visualization_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_archive_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_archive_directory_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_archive_file_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_role_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema"."impacto_person_role_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_group_member_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_bond_option_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_bond_request_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_organizational_unit_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_activity_type_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_system_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_alert_type_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_service_letter_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_service_subject_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_service_target_audience_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_service_target_audience_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_service_letter_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_activity_type_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_place_of_service_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_origin_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_unified_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_unified_person_origin_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_place_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_address_owner_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_address_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_contact_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_alert_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_alert_follow_up_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_alert_follow_up_action_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_origin_activity_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_visualization_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_role_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_person_role_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_archive_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_archive_directory_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v2"."impacto_archive_file_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v3"."impacto_request_log_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v3"."impacto_person_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v3"."impacto_application_id_seq" UNION ALL SELECT last_value FROM "api_test_schema_v3"."impacto_person_permissi
0 min 0.2% 1 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT n.nspname AS schema, c.relname AS sequence, has_sequence_privilege(c.oid, $1) AS readable FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = $2 AND n.nspname NOT IN ($3, $4) /*pghero*/
0 min 0.2% 1 ms 20,084 postgres
INSERT INTO public.impacto_request_log (slug, created_at, updated_at, url, http, body, header, params, browser, device, os, useragent, time, res_http, res_body, res_header, res_action, res_field, res_code, res_success) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20  RETURNING id
0 min 0.1% 236 ms 48 postgres
SELECT t.tableoid, t.oid, i.indrelid, t.relname AS indexname, pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) AS indexdef, i.indkey, i.indisclustered, c.contype, c.conname, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, c.tableoid AS contableoid, c.oid AS conoid, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid, $1) AS condef, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace s WHERE s.oid = t.reltablespace) AS tablespace, t.reloptions AS indreloptions, i.indisreplident, inh.inhparent AS parentidx, i.indnkeyatts AS indnkeyatts, i.indnatts AS indnatts, (SELECT pg_catalog.array_agg(attnum ORDER BY attnum)   FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute   WHERE attrelid = i.indexrelid AND     attstattarget >= $2) AS indstatcols, (SELECT pg_catalog.array_agg(attstattarget ORDER BY attnum)   FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute   WHERE attrelid = i.indexrelid AND     attstattarget >= $3) AS indstatvals, $4 AS indnullsnotdistinct FROM unnest($5::pg_catalog.oid[]) AS src(tbloid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON (src.tbloid = i.indrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = i.indexrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t2 ON (t2.oid = i.indrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (i.indrelid = c.conrelid AND i.indexrelid = c.conindid AND c.contype IN ($6,$7,$8)) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_inherits inh ON (inh.inhrelid = indexrelid) WHERE (i.indisvalid OR t2.relkind = $9) AND i.indisready ORDER BY i.indrelid, indexname
0 min 0.1% 424 ms 22 postgres
                format_type(att.atttypid, att.atttypmod) as formatted_type,
                info.udt_schema as type_schema_name,
                info.udt_name as full_data_type,
                pg_get_expr(attdef.adbin, attdef.adrelid) AS column_default,
                col_description(att.attrelid, ordinal_position) AS description
            FROM information_schema.columns info
            JOIN pg_attribute att ON att.attname = info.column_name
            JOIN (
                 SELECT pg_class.oid, relname, pg_namespace.nspname as namespace
                 FROM pg_class
                 JOIN pg_namespace on pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
                 AND pg_namespace.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
                 WHERE reltype > $2
                ) as oid on oid.oid = att.attrelid 
                  AND relname = info.table_name
                  AND namespace = info.table_schema
            LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attrdef attdef ON attdef.adrelid = att.attrelid AND attdef.adnum = att.attnum AND table_schema = namespace
            WHERE table_schema = ANY ( $1 ) 
            ORDER BY namespace, table_name, ordinal_position
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 17,844 postgres
SELECT t.oid, t.typname, t.typelem, t.typdelim, t.typinput, r.rngsubtype, t.typtype, t.typbasetype
FROM pg_type as t
LEFT JOIN pg_range as r ON oid = rngtypid
  t.typname IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40)
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 17,647 postgres
SELECT t.oid, t.typname, t.typelem, t.typdelim, t.typinput, r.rngsubtype, t.typtype, t.typbasetype
FROM pg_type as t
LEFT JOIN pg_range as r ON oid = rngtypid
  t.typelem IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, $43, $44, $45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50, $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, $56, $57, $58, $59, $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66, $67, $68, $69, $70, $71, $72, $73, $74, $75, $76, $77, $78, $79, $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87, $88, $89, $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $100, $101, $102, $103, $104, $105, $106, $107, $108, $109, $110, $111, $112, $113, $114, $115, $116, $117, $118, $119, $120, $121, $122, $123, $124)
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 17,844 postgres
SELECT t.oid, t.typname, t.typelem, t.typdelim, t.typinput, r.rngsubtype, t.typtype, t.typbasetype
FROM pg_type as t
LEFT JOIN pg_range as r ON oid = rngtypid
  t.typtype IN ($1, $2, $3)
0 min < 0.1% 134 ms 48 postgres
COPY api_test_schema.impacto_origin_person (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, system_id, origin_id, import_id, import_unique_id, is_unified, origin_created_at, origin_updated_at, kind, name, social_name, sex, cpf_number, cnpj_number, cns_number, ctps_number, ctps_pis_number, cnh_number, cnh_category, cnh_valid_through, cnh_dispatched_at, cnh_note, rg_number, rg_dispatched_at, rg_dispatched_by, military_number, military_dispatched_at, voter_certificate_number, voter_certificate_zone, voter_certificate_section, voter_certificate_city, voter_certificate_state, voter_certificate_country, voter_certificate_dispatched_at, birth_certificate_date, birth_certificate_blood_type, birth_certificate_city, birth_certificate_state, birth_certificate_country, birth_certificate_twins, birth_certificate_twins_number, birth_certificate_born_alive_number, death_certificate_number, death_certificate_date, death_certificate_city, death_certificate_state, death_certificate_country, death_certificate_cause, death_certificate_description, mother_name, father_name, status, phone_1, phone_2, phone_3, phone_4, phone_5, phone_6, phone_7, email, profession, race, nationality, family_id, municipal_id, address_zip_code, address_street, address_number, address_reference, address_complement, address_neighbourhood, address_condominium, address_block, address_apartment, address_territory, address_city, address_state, address_country, institution_government_name, institution_health_name, institution_social_name, institution_school_name, corrected_origin_id, corrected_name, corrected_sex, corrected_cpf_number, corrected_cnpj_number, corrected_cns_number, corrected_ctps_number, corrected_ctps_pis_number, corrected_cnh_number, corrected_rg_number, corrected_military_number, corrected_voter_certificate_number, corrected_birth_certificate_date, corrected_death_certificate_date, corrected_mother_name, corrected_father_name, ethnicity, origin_created_by, origin_created_by_name, origin_updated_by, origin_updated_by_name) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 77 ms 48 postgres
COPY dataset.first_name (id, name, corrected_name, sex) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT nsp.nspname AS schema, rel.relname AS table, con.conname AS name, fnsp.nspname AS referenced_schema, frel.relname AS referenced_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rel ON rel.oid = con.conrelid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class frel ON frel.oid = con.confrelid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp ON nsp.oid = con.connamespace LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace fnsp ON fnsp.oid = frel.relnamespace WHERE con.convalidated = $1 /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 42 ms 48 postgres
pg_catalog.format_type(t.oid, a.atttypmod) AS atttypname,
array_to_string(a.attoptions, $1) AS attoptions,
CASE WHEN a.attcollation <> t.typcollation THEN a.attcollation ELSE $2 END AS attcollation,
pg_catalog.array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT pg_catalog.quote_ident(option_name) || $3 || pg_catalog.quote_literal(option_value) FROM pg_catalog.pg_options_to_table(attfdwoptions) ORDER BY option_name), $4) AS attfdwoptions,
a.attcompression AS attcompression,
CASE WHEN a.atthasmissing AND NOT a.attisdropped THEN a.attmissingval ELSE $5 END AS attmissingval,
FROM unnest($6::pg_catalog.oid[]) AS src(tbloid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (src.tbloid = a.attrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type t ON (a.atttypid = t.oid)
WHERE a.attnum > $7::pg_catalog.int2
ORDER BY a.attrelid, a.attnum
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 35,683 postgres
0 min < 0.1% 72 ms 22 postgres
WITH rawindex AS (
        unnest(indkey) AS indkeyid,
        generate_subscripts(indkey, $2) AS indkeyidx,
        unnest(indclass) AS indclass,
        unnest(indoption) AS indoption
    FROM pg_index --
        indpred IS NULL -- filter out partial indexes
        AND NOT indisexclusion -- filter out exclusion constraints
    schemainfo.nspname AS namespace,
    indexinfo.relname AS index_name,
    tableinfo.relname AS table_name,
    columninfo.attname AS column_name,
    rawindex.indisunique AS is_unique,
    rawindex.indisprimary AS is_primary_key,
    rawindex.indkeyidx AS column_index,
    opclass.opcname AS opclass,
    opclass.opcdefault AS opcdefault,
    indexaccess.amname AS index_algo,
    CASE rawindex.indoption & $3
        WHEN $4 THEN $5
        ELSE $6 END
        AS column_order,
    CASE rawindex.indoption & $7
        WHEN $8 THEN $9
        ELSE $10 END
        AS nulls_first,
    pc.condeferrable AS condeferrable,
    pc.condeferred AS condeferred
    INNER JOIN pg_class AS tableinfo ON tableinfo.oid = rawindex.indrelid
    INNER JOIN pg_class AS indexinfo ON indexinfo.oid = rawindex.indexrelid
    INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS schemainfo ON schemainfo.oid = tableinfo.relnamespace
    LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS columninfo
        ON columninfo.attrelid = tableinfo.oid AND columninfo.attnum = rawindex.indkeyid
    INNER JOIN pg_am AS indexaccess ON indexaccess.oid = indexinfo.relam
    LEFT JOIN pg_opclass AS opclass -- left join because crdb has no opclasses
        ON opclass.oid = rawindex.indclass
    LEFT JOIN pg_constraint pc ON rawindex.indexrelid = pc.conindid AND pc.contype <> $11
WHERE schemainfo.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
ORDER BY namespace, table_name, index_name, column_index
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 3,015 postgres
INSERT INTO production.socialme_afghanistan ("slug", "created_at", "ip_address", "url", "http_method", "user_token", "api_token", "app_token", "body", "headers", "params", "user_agent", "res_http_code", "res_code", "res_body", "time_spent", "time_unit", "error", "action", "field") 
                VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, NULLIF($9, $10)::json, NULLIF($11, $12)::json, NULLIF($13, $14)::json, $15, $16, $17, NULLIF($18, $19)::json, NULLIF($20,$21)::numeric, $22, NULLIF($23, $24)::json, $25, $26)
0 min < 0.1% 28 ms 48 postgres
SELECT a.tableoid, a.oid, adrelid, adnum, pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(adbin, adrelid) AS adsrc
FROM unnest($1::pg_catalog.oid[]) AS src(tbloid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef a ON (src.tbloid = a.adrelid)
ORDER BY a.adrelid, a.adnum
0 min < 0.1% 27 ms 48 postgres
SELECT classid, objid, refclassid, refobjid, deptype FROM pg_depend WHERE deptype != $1 AND deptype != $2
SELECT $3::regclass AS classid, amopfamily AS objid, refclassid, refobjid, deptype FROM pg_depend d, pg_amop o WHERE deptype NOT IN ($4, $5, $6) AND classid = $7::regclass AND objid = o.oid AND NOT (refclassid = $8::regclass AND amopfamily = refobjid)
SELECT $9::regclass AS classid, amprocfamily AS objid, refclassid, refobjid, deptype FROM pg_depend d, pg_amproc p WHERE deptype NOT IN ($10, $11, $12) AND classid = $13::regclass AND objid = p.oid AND NOT (refclassid = $14::regclass AND amprocfamily = refobjid)
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT pid, state, application_name AS source, age(NOW(), COALESCE(query_start, xact_start)) AS duration, (wait_event IS NOT NULL) AS waiting, query, COALESCE(query_start, xact_start) AS started_at, EXTRACT($1 FROM NOW() - COALESCE(query_start, xact_start)) * $2 AS duration_ms, usename AS user, backend_type FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state <> $3 AND pid <> pg_backend_pid() AND datname = current_database() AND NOW() - COALESCE(query_start, xact_start) > interval $4 AND query <> $5 ORDER BY COALESCE(query_start, xact_start) DESC /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT state, COUNT(*) AS connections FROM pg_stat_activity GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 17,839 postgres
SELECT t.oid, t.typname
FROM pg_type as t
WHERE t.typname IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)
0 min < 0.1% 12 ms 61 postgres
SELECT i.*,i.indkey as keys,c.relname,c.relnamespace,c.relam,c.reltablespace,tc.relname as tabrelname,dsc.description,pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid) as pred_expr,pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indexprs, i.indrelid, $2) as expr,pg_catalog.pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) as index_rel_size,pg_catalog.pg_stat_get_numscans(i.indexrelid) as index_num_scans
FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid=i.indexrelid
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tc ON tc.oid=i.indrelid
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description dsc ON i.indexrelid=dsc.objoid
WHERE  i.indrelid=$1 ORDER BY c.relname
0 min < 0.1% 12 ms 48 postgres
SELECT c.tableoid, c.oid, c.relname, c.relnamespace, c.relkind, c.reltype, c.relowner, c.relchecks, c.relhasindex, c.relhasrules, c.relpages, c.relhastriggers, c.relpersistence, c.reloftype, c.relacl, acldefault(CASE WHEN c.relkind = $1 THEN $2::"char" ELSE $3::"char" END, c.relowner) AS acldefault, CASE WHEN c.relkind = $4 THEN (SELECT ftserver FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table WHERE ftrelid = c.oid) ELSE $5 END AS foreignserver, c.relfrozenxid, tc.relfrozenxid AS tfrozenxid, tc.oid AS toid, tc.relpages AS toastpages, tc.reloptions AS toast_reloptions, d.refobjid AS owning_tab, d.refobjsubid AS owning_col, tsp.spcname AS reltablespace, $6 AS relhasoids, c.relispopulated, c.relreplident, c.relrowsecurity, c.relforcerowsecurity, c.relminmxid, tc.relminmxid AS tminmxid, array_remove(array_remove(c.reloptions,$7),$8) AS reloptions, CASE WHEN $9 = ANY (c.reloptions) THEN $10::text WHEN $11 = ANY (c.reloptions) THEN $12::text ELSE $13 END AS checkoption, am.amname, (d.deptype = $14) IS TRUE AS is_identity_sequence, c.relispartition AS ispartition 
FROM pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_depend d ON (c.relkind = $15 AND d.classid = $16::regclass AND d.objid = c.oid AND d.objsubid = $17 AND d.refclassid = $18::regclass AND d.deptype IN ($19, $20))
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace tsp ON (tsp.oid = c.reltablespace)
LEFT JOIN pg_am am ON (c.relam = am.oid)
LEFT JOIN pg_class tc ON (c.reltoastrelid = tc.oid AND tc.relkind = $21 AND c.relkind <> $22)
WHERE c.relkind IN ($23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29)
ORDER BY c.oid
0 min < 0.1% 86 ms 6 postgres
SELECT t.oid,t.*,c.relkind,format_type(nullif(t.typbasetype, $1), t.typtypmod) as base_type_name, d.description
FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type et ON et.oid=t.typelem 
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid=t.typrelid
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description d ON t.oid=d.objoid
AND (c.relkind IS NULL OR c.relkind = $2) AND (et.typcategory IS NULL OR et.typcategory <> $3)
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 543 postgres
SELECT c.relname,a.*,pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid, $2) as def_value,dsc.description,dep.objid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (a.attrelid=c.oid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef ad ON (a.attrelid=ad.adrelid AND a.attnum = ad.adnum)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description dsc ON (c.oid=dsc.objoid AND a.attnum = dsc.objsubid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_depend dep on dep.refobjid = a.attrelid AND dep.deptype = $3 and dep.refobjsubid = a.attnum and dep.classid = dep.refclassid
WHERE NOT a.attisdropped AND c.relkind not in ($4,$5,$6) AND c.oid=$1
ORDER BY a.attnum
0 min < 0.1% 9 ms 48 postgres
SELECT description, classoid, objoid, objsubid FROM pg_catalog.pg_description ORDER BY classoid, objoid, objsubid
0 min < 0.1% 8 ms 48 postgres
SELECT c.tableoid, c.oid, conrelid, conname, confrelid, conindid, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS condef
FROM unnest($1::pg_catalog.oid[]) AS src(tbloid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (src.tbloid = c.conrelid)
WHERE contype = $2 AND conparentid = $3 ORDER BY conrelid, conname
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 461 postgres
INSERT INTO public.impacto_request_log (slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, url, http, authentication, application, body, header, params, browser, device, os, useragent, time, res_http, res_body, res_header, res_action, res_field, res_code, res_success) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24  RETURNING id
0 min < 0.1% 7 ms 48 postgres
COPY api_test_schema.impacto_person_permission (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, status, expires_at, scope, group_id, person_id, permission) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 7 ms 48 postgres
SELECT tableoid, oid, typname, typnamespace, typacl, acldefault($1, typowner) AS acldefault, typowner, typelem, typrelid, CASE WHEN typrelid = $2 THEN $3::"char" ELSE (SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE oid = typrelid) END AS typrelkind, typtype, typisdefined, typname[$4] = $5 AND typelem != $6 AND (SELECT typarray FROM pg_type te WHERE oid = pg_type.typelem) = oid AS isarray FROM pg_type
0 min < 0.1% 12 ms 22 postgres
                con.oid         AS "con_id",
                att2.attname    AS "child_column",
                cl.relname      AS "parent_table",
                att.attname     AS "parent_column",
                rel_ns.nspname  AS "referenced_schema_name",
                conname         AS constraint_name,
            FROM (SELECT 
                        ns.nspname AS "namespace",
                        unnest(con1.conkey)                AS "parent",
                        unnest(con1.confkey)                AS "child",
                        cl.relname                          AS table_name,
                        ns.nspname                          AS schema_name,
                        generate_subscripts(con1.conkey, $2) AS colidx,
                        con1.condeferrable                  AS condeferrable,
                        con1.condeferred                    AS condeferred
                FROM pg_class cl
                        join pg_constraint con1 on con1.conrelid = cl.oid
                        join pg_namespace ns on cl.relnamespace = ns.oid
                    ns.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
                    and con1.contype = $3
                ORDER BY colidx
                ) con
                    JOIN pg_attribute att on att.attrelid = con.confrelid and att.attnum = con.child
                    JOIN pg_class cl on cl.oid = con.confrelid
                    JOIN pg_attribute att2 on att2.attrelid = con.conrelid and att2.attnum = con.parent
                    JOIN pg_class rel_cl on con.confrelid = rel_cl.oid
                    JOIN pg_namespace rel_ns on rel_cl.relnamespace = rel_ns.oid
            ORDER BY namespace, table_name, constraint_name, con_id, con.colidx
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 14,446 postgres
SELECT nspname AS schema, relname AS table, reltuples::bigint AS estimated_rows, pg_total_relation_size(pg_class.oid) AS size_bytes FROM pg_class INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace WHERE relkind = $1 AND nspname = $2 AND relname IN ($3, $4) ORDER BY 1, 2 /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 20,035 postgres
SELECT format_type(seqtypid, $1), seqstart, seqincrement, seqmax, seqmin, seqcache, seqcycle FROM pg_catalog.pg_sequence WHERE seqrelid = $2::oid
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 31,880 postgres
SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = ANY (current_schemas($1)) AND c.relname = $2 AND c.relkind IN ($3,$4)
0 min < 0.1% 5 ms 48 postgres
SELECT DISTINCT attrelid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attacl IS NOT NULL
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 14,446 postgres
SELECT schemaname AS schema, tablename AS table, attname AS column, null_frac, n_distinct FROM pg_stats WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename IN ($2, $3) ORDER BY 1, 2, 3 /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 414 postgres
INSERT INTO production.socialme_afghanistan ("slug", "created_at", "ip_address", "url", "http_method", "user_token", "api_token", "app_token", "body", "headers", "params", "browser_name", "browser_version", "os_name", "os_version", "user_agent", "res_http_code", "res_code", "res_body", "time_spent", "time_unit", "error", "action", "field") 
                VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, NULLIF($9, $10)::json, NULLIF($11, $12)::json, NULLIF($13, $14)::json, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, NULLIF($22, $23)::json, NULLIF($24,$25)::numeric, $26, NULLIF($27, $28)::json, $29, $30)
0 min < 0.1% 195 ms 1 postgres
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "prisma_migrate_shadow_db_de829f7a-84f5-41f4-abd3-2d3becf9eed8" WITH (FORCE)
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 35,683 postgres
SET client_min_messages TO 'warning'
0 min < 0.1% 4 ms 48 postgres
SELECT p.tableoid, p.oid, p.proname, p.prolang, p.pronargs, p.proargtypes, p.prorettype, p.proacl, acldefault($1, p.proowner) AS acldefault, p.pronamespace, p.proowner FROM pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_init_privs pip ON (p.oid = pip.objoid AND pip.classoid = $2::regclass AND pip.objsubid = $3) WHERE p.prokind <> $4
  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT $5 FROM pg_depend WHERE classid = $6::regclass AND objid = p.oid AND deptype = $7)
  AND (
  pronamespace != (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = $8)
  WHERE pg_cast.oid > $10 
  AND p.oid = pg_cast.castfunc)
  OR EXISTS (SELECT $11 FROM pg_transform
  WHERE pg_transform.oid > $12 AND 
  (p.oid = pg_transform.trffromsql
  OR p.oid = pg_transform.trftosql))
  OR p.proacl IS DISTINCT FROM pip.initprivs)
0 min < 0.1% 184 ms 1 postgres
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "prisma_migrate_shadow_db_12a6d271-11f0-4f96-8e40-304124f29a81" WITH (FORCE)
0 min < 0.1% 4 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_external_request (id, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, url, http_method, body, headers, res_http_code, res_body, res_headers) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 172 ms 1 postgres
CREATE DATABASE "prisma_migrate_shadow_db_12a6d271-11f0-4f96-8e40-304124f29a81"
0 min < 0.1% 169 ms 1 postgres
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "prisma_migrate_shadow_db_6e9ad462-e66d-4ff6-b120-9b0d35778d5b" WITH (FORCE)
0 min < 0.1% 155 ms 1 postgres
SELECT n.nspname AS schema, c.relname AS relation, CASE c.relkind WHEN $1 THEN $2 WHEN $3 then $4 ELSE $5 END AS type, pg_table_size(c.oid) AS size_bytes FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname NOT IN ($6, $7) AND n.nspname !~ $8 AND c.relkind IN ($9, $10, $11) ORDER BY pg_table_size(c.oid) DESC, 2 ASC /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 15,662 postgres
SELECT slot_name, database, active FROM pg_replication_slots /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 3,675 postgres
PREPARE dumpFunc(pg_catalog.oid) AS
pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) AS funcargs,
pg_catalog.pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid) AS funciargs,
pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(p.oid) AS funcresult,
array_to_string(protrftypes, $2) AS protrftypes,
pg_get_function_sqlbody(p.oid) AS prosqlbody
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_language l
WHERE p.oid = $1 AND l.oid = p.prolang
0 min < 0.1% 3 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_terms_and_conditions (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, name, status, description, version, kind) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 160 postgres
INSERT INTO public.impacto_request_log (slug, created_at, updated_at, url, http, authentication, application, body, header, params, browser, device, os, useragent, time, res_http, res_body, res_header, res_action, res_field, res_code, res_success) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22  RETURNING id
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_public_file (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, name, original_name, status, description, url, size, extension, bucket_host, bucket_name) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 48 postgres
WITH RECURSIVE w AS ( SELECT d1.objid, d2.refobjid, c2.relkind AS refrelkind FROM pg_depend d1 JOIN pg_class c1 ON c1.oid = d1.objid AND c1.relkind = $1 JOIN pg_rewrite r1 ON r1.ev_class = d1.objid JOIN pg_depend d2 ON d2.classid = $2::regclass AND d2.objid = r1.oid AND d2.refobjid <> d1.objid JOIN pg_class c2 ON c2.oid = d2.refobjid AND c2.relkind IN ($3,$4) WHERE d1.classid = $5::regclass UNION SELECT w.objid, d3.refobjid, c3.relkind FROM w JOIN pg_rewrite r3 ON r3.ev_class = w.refobjid JOIN pg_depend d3 ON d3.classid = $6::regclass AND d3.objid = r3.oid AND d3.refobjid <> w.refobjid JOIN pg_class c3 ON c3.oid = d3.refobjid AND c3.relkind IN ($7,$8) ) SELECT $9::regclass::oid AS classid, objid, refobjid FROM w WHERE refrelkind = $10
0 min < 0.1% 101 ms 1 postgres
SELECT pg_database_size(current_database()) /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 1,720 postgres
SELECT  pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef($1 , $2 , $3) AS column
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 48 postgres
SELECT t.tgrelid, t.tgname, t.tgfoid::pg_catalog.regproc AS tgfname, pg_catalog.pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid, $1) AS tgdef, t.tgenabled, t.tableoid, t.oid, t.tgisinternal as tgispartition
FROM unnest($2::pg_catalog.oid[]) AS src(tbloid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_trigger t ON (src.tbloid = t.tgrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_trigger u ON (u.oid = t.tgparentid) WHERE (NOT t.tgisinternal OR t.tgenabled != u.tgenabled) ORDER BY t.tgrelid, t.tgname
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_sent_communication (id, slug, created_at, created_by, method, kind, subject, body, recipients, report, sender) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 85 ms 1 postgres
select c.oid,pg_catalog.pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) as total_rel_size,pg_catalog.pg_relation_size(c.oid) as rel_size
FROM pg_class c
WHERE c.relnamespace=$1
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 186 postgres
INSERT INTO production.socialme_afghanistan ("slug", "created_at", "ip_address", "url", "http_method", "user_token", "api_token", "app_token", "body", "headers", "params", "browser_name", "browser_version", "device_name", "device_version", "os_name", "os_version", "user_agent", "res_http_code", "res_code", "res_body", "time_spent", "time_unit", "error", "action", "field") 
                VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, NULLIF($9, $10)::json, NULLIF($11, $12)::json, NULLIF($13, $14)::json, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, NULLIF($24, $25)::json, NULLIF($26,$27)::numeric, $28, NULLIF($29, $30)::json, $31, $32)
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 35,683 postgres
SET standard_conforming_strings = on
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 35,683 postgres
SET intervalstyle = iso_8601
0 min < 0.1% 3 ms 22 postgres
  tbl.relname AS table_name,
  namespace.nspname as namespace,
  (tbl.relhassubclass and tbl.relkind = $2) as is_partition,
  (tbl.relhassubclass and tbl.relkind = $3) as has_subclass,
  tbl.relrowsecurity as has_row_level_security,
  obj_description(tbl.oid, $4) as description
FROM pg_class AS tbl
INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS namespace ON namespace.oid = tbl.relnamespace
  ( -- (relkind = 'r' and relispartition = 't') matches partition table "duplicates"
    (tbl.relkind = $5 AND tbl.relispartition = $6)
      OR -- when it's a partition
    tbl.relkind = $7
  AND namespace.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
ORDER BY namespace, table_name
0 min < 0.1% 64 ms 1 postgres
CREATE DATABASE "prisma_migrate_shadow_db_6e9ad462-e66d-4ff6-b120-9b0d35778d5b"
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_private_file (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, name, original_name, extension, status, description, url, size, bucket_host, bucket_name) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_authentication_token (id, created_at, updated_at, last_used_at, created_ip, last_used_ip, status, jwt_token, jwt_secret, keep, person_id) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
COPY public.impacto_document_draft (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, status, name, description, subject, header, footer, body, url, kind, format, attachments, icon, color, category, person_id) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
COPY microservice_test_schema.impacto_feedback (id, slug, created_at, updated_at, updated_by, http, message, description, success, action_field, usage_count) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 21 postgres
          WHEN character_maximum_length is not null  and udt_name != $3
            THEN udt_name || $4 || character_maximum_length::varchar(255) || $5
          WHEN numeric_precision is not null and numeric_scale is not null
            THEN udt_name || $6 || numeric_precision::varchar(255) || $7 || numeric_scale::varchar(255) || $8
          WHEN numeric_precision is not null and numeric_scale is null
            THEN udt_name || $9 || numeric_precision::varchar(255) || $10
          WHEN datetime_precision is not null AND udt_name != $11 THEN
            udt_name || $12 || datetime_precision::varchar(255) || $13
          ELSE udt_name
        END as data_type,
          WHEN data_type = $14 THEN $15
          ELSE $16
        END as is_array,
        pg_catalog.col_description(format($17, table_schema, table_name)::regclass::oid, ordinal_position) as column_comment
      FROM information_schema.columns
      WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
      ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, ordinal_position
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 23,268 postgres
select $1[s],
        s operator(pg_catalog.-) pg_catalog.array_lower($1,$2) operator(pg_catalog.+) $3
        from pg_catalog.generate_series(pg_catalog.array_lower($1,$4),
                                        $6) as g(s)
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 22 postgres
                  sequence_schema AS namespace,
                  minimum_value::INT8 AS min_value,
                  maximum_value::INT8 AS max_value,
                  increment::INT8 AS increment_by,
                  (CASE cycle_option WHEN $2 THEN $3 ELSE $4 END) AS cycle,
                  $5::INT8 AS cache_size
              FROM information_schema.sequences
              WHERE sequence_schema = ANY ( $1 )
              ORDER BY sequence_name
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
SELECT tableoid, oid, oprname, oprnamespace, oprowner, oprkind, oprcode::oid AS oprcode FROM pg_operator
0 min < 0.1% 41 ms 1 postgres
          r.routine_schema as routine_schema,
          r.specific_name as specific_name,
          p.parameter_name as parameter_name,
          p.character_maximum_length as char_length,
          p.data_type as data_type
    from information_schema.routines r
    left join information_schema.parameters p
              on p.specific_schema = r.routine_schema
              and p.specific_name = r.specific_name
    where r.routine_schema not in ($1, $2,
                                  $3, $4)

        AND p.parameter_mode = $5
    order by r.routine_schema,
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
SELECT set_config(name, $1, $2) FROM pg_settings WHERE name = $3
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 3,676 postgres
PREPARE dumpEnumType(pg_catalog.oid) AS
SELECT oid, enumlabel FROM pg_catalog.pg_enum WHERE enumtypid = $1 ORDER BY enumsortorder
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 22 postgres
SELECT p.proname AS name, n.nspname as namespace,
                CASE WHEN l.lanname = $2 THEN p.prosrc
                     ELSE pg_get_functiondef(p.oid)
                     END as definition
            FROM pg_proc p
            LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
            LEFT JOIN pg_language l ON p.prolang = l.oid
            WHERE n.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
0 min < 0.1% 40 ms 1 postgres
SELECT schemaname AS schema, relname AS table, indexrelname AS index, pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) AS size_bytes, idx_scan as index_scans FROM pg_stat_user_indexes ui INNER JOIN pg_index i ON ui.indexrelid = i.indexrelid WHERE NOT indisunique AND idx_scan <= $1 ORDER BY pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) DESC, relname ASC /*pghero*/
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 541 postgres
SELECT c.oid,c.*,t.relname as tabrelname,rt.relnamespace as refnamespace,d.description, case when c.contype=$2 then "substring"(pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid), $3) else $4 end consrc_copy
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON t.oid=c.conrelid
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rt ON rt.oid=c.confrelid
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description d ON d.objoid=c.oid AND d.objsubid=$5 AND d.classoid=$6::regclass
WHERE c.conrelid=$1
ORDER BY c.oid
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 34 postgres
SELECT tbl.relname AS table_name
                FROM pg_class AS tbl
                INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS namespace ON namespace.oid = tbl.relnamespace
                WHERE tbl.relkind = $2 AND namespace.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 17,839 postgres
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 59 postgres
INSERT INTO public.impacto_request_log (slug, created_at, updated_at, url, http, application, body, header, params, browser, device, os, useragent, time, res_http, res_body, res_header, res_action, res_field, res_code, res_success) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21  RETURNING id
0 min < 0.1% 2 ms 22 postgres
    views.viewname AS view_name,
    views.definition AS view_sql,
    views.schemaname AS namespace,
    obj_description(class.oid, $2) AS description
FROM pg_catalog.pg_views views
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ns ON views.schemaname = ns.nspname
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class class ON class.relnamespace = ns.oid AND class.relname = views.viewname
WHERE schemaname = ANY ( $1 )
0 min < 0.1% 0 ms 857 postgres
SELECT,, app.slug, app.allowed_operations, app.white_label_id
FROM public.impacto_application app
 WHERE (app.key = $1 and app.status=$3 and ($2 = any (app.allowed_operations) OR $4 = any (app.allowed_operations)))
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 22 postgres
                t.typname AS name,
                e.enumlabel AS value,
                n.nspname AS namespace,
                obj_description(t.oid, $2) AS description
            FROM pg_type t
            JOIN pg_enum e ON t.oid = e.enumtypid
            JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
            WHERE n.nspname = ANY ( $1 )
            ORDER BY e.enumsortorder
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
COPY api_test_schema.impacto_bond_request (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, resolved_at, resolved_by, status, internal_id, description, is_citizen, is_public_agent, person_id, person_slug, person_name, person_mother_name, person_father_name, person_cpf_number, person_ctps_pis_number, person_cns_number, person_rg_number, person_birth_certificate_date, person_birth_certificate_city, person_birth_certificate_state, person_birth_certificate_country, person_sex, person_document_name, person_document_number, person_document_file_id, person_document_file_slug, person_document_selfie_id, person_document_selfie_slug, person_main_avatar_variations, person_main_phone_contact_id, person_main_phone_contact_type, person_main_phone_contact_value, person_main_phone_contact_is_verified, person_main_mail_contact_id, person_main_mail_contact_type, person_main_mail_contact_value, person_main_mail_contact_is_verified, person_main_avatar_id, person_main_avatar_url, person_main_avatar_name, person_main_avatar_size, person_main_avatar_extension) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
SELECT tableoid, oid, collname, collnamespace, collowner FROM pg_collation
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
COPY api_test_schema.impacto_alert_follow_up (id, slug, created_at, created_by, updated_at, updated_by, status, name, action, description, alert_id, parent_id, old_alert_responsable_person_id, new_alert_responsable_person_id, old_alert_responsable_group_id, new_alert_responsable_group_id, old_alert_status, new_alert_status) TO stdout
0 min < 0.1% 1 ms 48 postgres
SELECT p.tableoid, p.oid, p.proname AS aggname, p.pronamespace AS aggnamespace, p.pronargs, p.proargtypes, p.proowner, p.proacl AS aggacl, acldefault($1, p.proowner) AS acldefault FROM pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_init_privs pip ON (p.oid = pip.objoid AND pip.classoid = $2::regclass AND pip.objsubid = $3) WHERE p.prokind = $4 AND (p.pronamespace != (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = $5) OR p.proacl IS DISTINCT FROM pip.initprivs)